Products Codes

RowProducts listProduct CodePackage number per carton
1Fruit leather18 Packs with 10 pcs
2Family Fruit leather212 pcs
3white Nagorno Qrvt36 Packs with 22 pcs
4An octave chance424 pcs
4Tinned Tulle636 pcs
5Forest plum724 pcs
6Vaccine plum1124 pcs
7Cherry Cherry1960 pcs
8Nagorno Qrvt208 Packs with 20 pcs
9Processed plums2130 pcs
10Tincture of Tobacco2524 pcs
11Catering Lavash266 pcs
12Catering Lavash2712 pcs
13Catering Lavash2812 pcs
14Sweetheart Sweetheart298 Packs with 20 pcs
15Cherry Blossom3030 pcs
16Catering Lavash3114 pcs
17‌Box Catering Lavash324 Packs with 6 pcs
18Fruit leather3312 Packs with 20 pcs
19Vacium plum3420 pcs
20Catering Lavash3512 pcs
21Fruit leather3780 pcs
22Fruit leather3830 pcs
23Cinnamon Container3920 pcs
24Cranberry Cans4020 pcs
25Plum Container4120 pcs
26Prune peeled4220 pcs
27Catering Lavash4420 pcs
28Yellow Capacity4520 pcs
29Catering Lavash475 Kilos
30Catering Lavash4810 Kilos
31Tubal lavash503 Packs with 15 pcs
32Fruit leather5150 pcs
33Cherry Vacium54 pcs
34Fruit leather515 Packs with 1 pcs
35Plum56 Packs with 20 pcs
36Sour Almond524 pcs
37Sour Cherry with packets524 pcs
38Vaccine plum51 Packs with 1 pcs
39Chance of clown524 pcs
40Happy Santa Claus540 pcs
41Lucky Sponge Bob612 pcs
42Fruit leather lash630 Packs with 20 pcs
43small Fruit leather lash630 Packs with 40 pcs
44Tubal lavash66 Packs with 30 pcs
45Pocket Lavash625 Packs with 10 pcs
46Roly Rupee66 Packs with 24 pcs
47Plum, Cherry and Apricot630 pcs
48Cherry Small Tumbler648 pcs
49Small apricot648 pcs
50Small Squirrel Puree748 pcs
51Nagorno Qrvt bottle78 Packs with 20 pcs
52Tube Nagorno Qrvt78 Packs with 20 pcs
53Plum Tube78 Packs with 20 pcs